State: Iowa
Type of Award: National Dislocated Worker Grant
Incremental Amount Awarded: $518,643
Total Funds Awarded to Date: $1,037,286
Funding Awarded to: Iowa Workforce Development
Number of Workers Served: Approximately 650
Use of Funds: On June 30, 2015, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded a National Dislocated Worker Grant for up to $3,058,322, with $518,643 to Iowa Workforce Development to provide reemployment and training services to about 650 of the 1,312 workers in Iowa affected by recent layoffs at John Deere facilities in Ankeny and Waterloo.
With this incremental award, Iowa Workforce Development will receive an additional $518,643 for the continuation of these services, bringing the total funds awarded to date for this project to $1,037,286. Further funding, up to $2,021,036 remaining of the approved $3,058,322, may be released as justified by enrollment and expenditure levels.
All 650 workers targeted for services have been certified as eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance, allowing them to receive training via the TAA program. This dual enrollment grant project provides these TAA-certified workers with access to “wrap around” and supportive services that are not available through the TAA program.
Background: Supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, NDWGs temporarily expand the service capacity of dislocated worker training and employment programs at the state and local levels by providing funding assistance in response to large, unexpected economic events which cause significant job losses. NDWGs generally provide resources to states and local workforce investment boards to reemploy laid-off workers quickly by offering training to increase occupational skills.