On Tuesday, July 19 at the United Nations in New York City, Associate Deputy Undersecretary for International Labor Affairs Eric Biel spoke to a multi-stakeholder gathering about “understanding the complexities and vulnerabilities of global supply chains.” Consumers, producers, governments, and civil society groups are increasingly attuned to the working conditions of those who produce the goods and services traded in global supply chains. DOL’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs has been working to ensure the rights of these workers for decades, through policy engagement, technical assistance, and reporting, and Biel’s remarks highlighted the many contributions the Bureau has made. The remarks were part of a “Partnerships to end forced labor in global supply chains” event, hosted by the UN’s specialized labor agency, the International Labor Organization.
A recording of this event can be found at: http://webtv.un.org/watch/partnerships-to-end-forced-labour-in-global-supply-chains/5042142100001.